
Monday, October 26, 2009

Journeys to Come

From 1975 to 1985 I backpacked over 15,000 miles on wilderness backpacking trails. My fiance and I hiked the Continental Divide Trail together in 1985, completing the Triple Crown in my case. Cindy still married me after the hike, my greatest achievement to date. Since 1985 I have been on journeys of multiple weeks, but nothing like the 4-7 month backpacking adventures I used to go on. Now the youngest of our kids is in college and we dare to dream of future journeys. I will be checking out and reporting on backpacking trails I have yet to hike and reporting on them here. As Cindy and I are not getting any younger, I may report on other trails that do not fall into the category of wilderness backpacking as well. Hopefully, this provides some new information for you as well as me, though feel free to add your comments about any journey I bring up, so that I might learn from you as well.